Reversing/inverting a GPX Route - option for possible future release

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By pwb999 on 22/06/21 at 6:38pm (last edited 23/06/21 at 10:47am)

Hi all,

On a few occasions whenever I have created my own gpx route especially those that involve a circular navigations of various fells, I have got to the end of the process and saved the route. Later on examining the route especially in conjunction with Beth's excellent step by step purchased guides I sometimes wonder whether I should do the route in reverse to avoid bad steps, excessively graded descents or walking into the dominant wind and weather. In addition AW has commented that if given the choice of direction all things being equal he would prefer to get the heavy work of ascent over with when you are fresh, eager at the start of any circular walk preferably having a gentle safer descent at the end when you are more likely to trip or sprain an ankle in a urgent need to get to the pub. The obvious examples in the Lakes are the classic horseshoe circuits.

At present I could import the original file into Viewranger or Garmin Basecamp where there is a simple reverse route tool. Alternatively using Excel or a Text Editor you can number the waypoints and then sort the lines in numerical order, either ascending or descending. Both approaches work but are time consuming and not error proof.

I was wondering whether a new tool option possibly within the Your Route dialog box could be added with the option to invert/reverse the route could be developed. I have noticed that while all the other metrics of the route are the same regardless of direction that the Naismiths differ substantially which might be a useful piece of information. For instance beneath the Download GPX could be an option for Reverse GPX..

I would prefer to do all my creation and editting of routes within the walklakes portal rather than rely on other methods to avoid any corruption of the gpx file.

As always I understand the team are very busy but this suggestion might be of interest to other supporters and put on the "wish list" for a future release.

Best regards, Peter B.

By TallPaul on 22/06/21 at 9:39pm

Liz's excellent step by step purchased guides

Oh my, I'd edit that quickly if I was you: Beth doesn't like being called Liz. At all.

... but what you're suggesting is good and I'm pretty certain that it's been suggested before and is on the wish list. I'll check.

By pwb999 on 23/06/21 at 10:48am

Changed name - many apologies.. Re the wishlist could you direct me to its location as dont wish to duplicate suggestions. Thanks

By SheepFarmer on 02/07/21 at 7:40am

Peter B

I've never found on plotted circular routes, which also includes out & back linear ones, the Naismith, length & ascent altering when reversing direction & surely they can't. Yes they'll vary on non circular & I'll have errors from a recorded track where ascent & descent don't match at the end even though I'm at the same place I started, according to the GPS height data but I think Paul has said in the past that GPS height data isn't the most accurate.

But in terms of plotting & direction I'll aim for steep parts in ascent, especially if hands come into play & the highest point earler on but also due to the size of some of my walks where an option to cut short may fall.

I'll ditto the request for a reversing option.

By pwb999 on 02/07/21 at 6:27pm

Sorry thats for spotting that error. I was thinking more of a direct route up and down with the difference in the timings - descent and ascent. Sorry for any confusion with my initial post. I note that OS Maps are looking at alternatives to Naismiths rule enabling the user to create their own estimation based on their own settings. See Best regards

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