All Donald Tops

This is a table of all of the 52 Donald Tops currently in our database.

Use our hill finder if you want to quickly find one using a map or other search criteria.

Name Height
Andrew Gannel Hill670m
Bareback Knowe656m
Beinn Odhar626m
Ben Ever622m
Black Cleuch Hill675m
Caerloch Dhu660m
Cairn Hill West Top743m
Cardon Hill675m
Carlavin Hill736m
Carrifran Gans757m
Cold Moss628m
Conscleuch Head624m
Coomb Dod635m
Coomb Hill640m
Deer Law629m
Din Law667m
Falcon Craig724m
Fifescar Knowe811m
Firthhope Rig800m
Garelet Hill681m
Glenleith Fell612m
Great Hill775m
Hopetoun Craig633m
Hunt Law639m
Keoch Rig612m
Knee of Cairnsmore657m
Laird's Cleuch Rig684m
Meall Clachach619m
Meikle Mulltaggart612m
Meikledodd Hill643m
Mid Rig616m
Nether Coomb Craig724m
Nickies Knowe761m
Notman Law734m
Rodger Law688m
Saddle Yoke736m
Smidhope Hill644m
Taberon Law637m
Tarfessock South Top620m
The Law638m
The Scrape719m
Trowgrain Middle628m
West Knowe671m
White Shank622m
Whitewisp Hill643m

WalkLakes recognises that hill walking, or walking in the mountains, is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death.
Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.