The work we do on this web site, both researching and writing up walks and with our mapping application, takes a lot of our time but doesn't make us a great deal of money.
You can help support the site by purchasing our walks or by buying us a coffee, but if you don't want or need to do that and you would still like to support our site then remember that you can always make a donation.
If you donate £12 or more we will also make you a supporter of our mapping application on a £1 per month basis depending on the amount donated which will give you access to some extra features.
We use PayPal to take credit/debit card payments but you don't need an account with them, just a credit/debit card1.
If you don't like using PayPal or don't have a credit card you can also make a donation by bank transfer, either one off or standing order. Please email for our bank account details.