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Hi Paul, I'm getting old OS mapping when logged in but new mapping when logged out!
I can send you screens hots if you give me your email.
New mapping looks fab BTW.
Regards, Barry
Actually that's how it's (currently) meant to be: when you're logged on you get maps from Ordnance Survey i.e. identical in look to OS 1:50K and OS 1:25K paper maps. When you're logged off you get our new "waymaps" map tiles (whereas previously you got the older "openmaps" tiles).
Now if you think our waymaps tiles are better than OS that's very flattering and perhaps we should add that as an option. There would be some oddities when you toggle aerial photography on/off mind you as the aerial photography is done on the same projection as the current maps so you view would rotate a little and also change scale slightly ...