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Hi Tall Paul, Happy New Year! Another request for a feature addition. On the track summary that appears on the GPS mapping page you have a link that provides information on the relevant Landranger OS maps. Is it possible to also provide information on the relevant Explorer (i.e. 1:25k) maps as well? Regards,
Only in the Lake District I'm afraid. The problem is that Explorer/Outdoor Leisure 1:25K maps, unlike Landranger 1:50K maps, do not cover a simple square. More importantly, unlike Landranger, OS don't give us any information about what ground is covered by each 1:25K map so without buying every map we're a bit stuck.
But if you come across the data we need on the Web anywhere do shout.
Note quite what ThinArther was after but the search box here takes 6 to 12 digit OS grid references so you can copy & paste the Start OSGB from walk reports. It also accepts place names including mountains, hills & fells and I think pretty much any reasonable size place.
Thanks both, appreciate your responses. Using the OS map requires a tad more effort and thought on my behalf (always a bit worrying), but is a good solution. Regards,