Option to Download in KML format

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By pwb999 on 10/05/23 at 12:00pm

Walklakes Team,

At present we have the option to download our route as a .gpx file. Would it be possible to have the option to have a "Download KML" version as well. Increasingly I convert my gpx routes to the KML format for loading into other Android mapping apps using the excellent and free Plotaroute.com online conversion tool. it might be that others would like such an option too ?

Many thanks, Peter B.

By TallPaul on 12/05/23 at 9:52am

Hi Peter, apologies for the delay in replying: I've been out of the office for a couple of days.

This did used to be an option on the old software (which used OpenLayers rather than Leaflet) but we dropped it at some point. I can't remember why now but we still have the code so I've rewritten it to be compatible with Leaflet and enabled it: for supporters only.

So here's the route for our walk to Latrigg for example and you can see at the bottom of the box it now has links to "Download GPX or KML".

By pwb999 on 12/05/23 at 3:56pm


Great implementation. Works very well indeed. I like the fact that KML Markers can be used easily to store links to other descriptive information. A commercial example is the use of KML files loaded into Organic Maps by The Hiking Club. The author creates an itinerary for a hiker to describe the trail they are interested in completing and be selecting the individual markers they can see other relevant information around their location. Perhaps this might be a useful addition for some of your more complex GPS route downloads ? On a personal level I use the format to do some overlays for example all the 52 odd Cumbrian locations of the Met Mountain forecast. It's much easier to click on a link than typing. Anyway thanks again for such a quick response. Best regards, Peter B.

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