Forum » Walk Reports » Lake District
Date started: | 05/06/2018 |
Distance: | 22.5 km or 14.0 miles |
Ascent: | 1215m or 3986ft |
Descent: | 1218m or 3996ft |
Start OSGB: | NY456041 |
Time taken: | 7:44 |
Naismith: | 6:32 |
Tuesday, 5th June was forecast to be a nice day, so, another trip to the Lake District - to do the Kentmere Horseshoe. Again, with the exception of Shipman Knotts and Goat Scar, I'd previously visited all of the fells involved, but not during a single walk.
I started the walk at the obvious location - the small parking area between the village hall and the telephone kiosk, (opposite St, Cuthbert's Church), and was quite happy to pay the suggested donation of £3.00 for all day parking. - After all, the parking area is on private land which has to be maintained. (There is an honesty box embedded into the side of the village hall wall).
GPX track of the route walked: -
Walk elevation profile: -
From the village hall, I walked towards the Nook, and then between the buildings there, making sure to keep on the correct route in order to pick up the path going up the Garburn Pass. Looking towards "The Nook", with Goat House Scar, Cowsty Knotts, etc., on horizon. (From beside the village hall in Kentmere): -
Looking up the Garburn Pass, with Buck Crag prominent at right hand side: -
At the head of the pass there is an obvious point at which you would turn northwards towards Yoke. (Failing to make this northwards turn off would take you towards a small copse of trees, and the fell named Sallows). After turning northwards at the head of the Garburn Pass, Yoke comes into view: -
Looking back towards Sour Howes, with Windermere beyond. - From the flanks of Yoke: - (The copse of trees mentioned above can be seen in the distance, and Sallows is partly seen at left hand side of shot).
The summit cairn on Yoke. - Ill Bell over to left hand side, with its twin summit cairns just about visible: -
It's about here that Kentmere Reservoir comes into view. Unfortunately it is, at present, completely drained, and is a bit of a blot on the otherwise stunning landscape. I understand that the reservoir is in private ownership and something of a financial burden due to the legislation for various safety standards that have to be maintained. It could well be that it never gets refilled!
A completely drained Kentmere Reservoir, with Mardale Ill Bell, Nan Bield Pass, and Harter Fell on horizon: -
Close-up of drained Kentmere Reservoir: -
Approaching Ill Bell. - Only one of its twin summit cairns can be seen from here. (Taken from the col above Rainsborrow Cove): -
Looking back to Yoke from the "south" summit cairn on Ill Bell: -
Looking towards a still heavily mist shrouded Thornthwaite Beacon and High Street. - From Ill Bell's "north" summit cairn: -
A little further north, and, (a lunch-break later), Froswick comes into view. - Mist gradually clearing over Thornthwaite Beacon: -
Looking towards High Street, Mardale Ill Bell, and Nan Bield Pass - with Harter Fell at extreme right hand side of shot: -
Approaching Froswick, and the mist has almost lifted, just about revealing Thornthwaite Beacon on the horizon: -
Looking towards Thornthwaite Beacon and High Street from the summit cairn on Froswick: -
Looking back towards Ill Bell from Froswick: -
Looking back towards Froswick and Ill Bell, from the flanks of Thornthwaite Beacon: -
Approaching Thornthwaite Beacon: -
Thornthwaite Beacon. (It used to be taller in years gone by!): -
Looking back to Froswick and Ill Bell from Thornthwaite Beacon: -
A zoomed-in shot of the western vista - Crinkle Crags, Bowfell, The Scafell's, Great End, etc. (Unfortunately lacking in contrast due to the amount of atmospheric haze and mist in the air). - From Thornthwaite Beacon: -
Looking across to High Street from Thornthwaite Beacon: -
Hayeswater, with Gray Crag (to left), and Rest Dodd and The Knott over to the right: - (As seen from the approach to High Street from Thornthwaite Beacon).
High Street summit Triangulation Pillar, with a rather misty western vista beyond: -
Looking across to Haweswater, with Rough Crag and Long Stile in foreground. - (Taken from High Street summit plateau): -
Blea Water, with Blea Water Crag, Mardale Ill Bell, and the expansive flat top of Harter Fell beyond. - Again taken from High Street summit plateau: -
Looking back to High Street, with Kidsty Pike in distance. - (From flanks of Mardale Ill Bell): -
First three fells of today's walk. - Yoke, Ill Bell, and Froswick. - (As seen from Mardale Ill Bell): -
Looking down to Nan Bield Pass, with the flat-topped Harter Fell on the horizon beyond. - (From Mardale Ill Bell): -
Small Water, with glimpses of Haweswater beyond. - (From Mardale Ill Bell on the approach to Nan Bield Pass): -
Looking back to Yoke, (Rainsborrow crag at left), and Ill Bell (at right hand side), with the drained Kentmere Reservoir below: -
Yoke and Ill Bell from flanks of Mardale Ill Bell, as seen on the approach to Nan Bield Pass: -
The shelter at Nan Bield Pass, and the next section of the walk up the flanks of Harter Fell: -
Small Water and Haweswater Reservoir, from the flanks of Harter Fell: -
Nearing the summit of Harter Fell, and more of Hawswater Reservoir comes into view: -
Looking back to High Street from the summit of Harter Fell. - With a glimpse of Blea Water Below, and Small Water Crag & Small Water in the foreground: -
The summit cairn at Harter Fell, (festooned with rusty iron fence-posts!), and High Street beyond: -
A 3-photo "stitched" panoramic shot of Yoke, Ill Bell, and Froswick, as seen from the Harter Fell ridgeline: -
Fell ponies seen on the plateau between Harter Fell and Kentmere Pike. - Ill Bell on skyline beyond: -
Fell ponies with flanks of Harter fell on skyline: -
Fell ponies, and a now distant Thornthwaite Beacon just about visible (centre shot) on the horizon: -
The summit wall and cairn at Kentmere Pike: -
The other side of the wall, where Kentmere Pike's summit triangulation pillar can be found: -
Looking towards Goat Scar and Shipman Knotts, with Longsleddale beyond. - From flanks of Kentmere Pike: -
A view down Longsleddale, from beside the summit cairn on Goat Scar: -
Approaching Shipman Knotts: -
Longsleddale, as seen from the summit of Shipman Knotts: - (NB: The actual summit of Shipman Knotts is on the other side of a dry stone wall from the path. Care is needed if you decide to climb over the wall, in order to avoid damaging it. - There are signs, i.e. fallen stones, suggesting that some walkers don't take the necessary care!).
From Shipman Knotts, the path sticks close beside the dry-stone wall, descending steeply towards Wray Crag. This section of the path is quite tricky, and care needs to be taken on the loose rocky/gravelly terrain underfoot.
The beginning of the descent route down Wray Crag: -
Looking back up to Wray Crag: -
Yoke, (Rainsborrow Crag), Ill Bell, Froswick, etc., as seen from Stile End Farm: -
Another view towards the head of Kentmere from Stile End Farm: -
A final look back at the horseshoe, taken on the approach back to Kentmere, and showing most of the fells visited on this walk: - ( From left to right: Yoke, Ill Bell, Froswick, part of Thornthwaite Beacon, High Street, Mardale Ill Bell, Harter Fell, and the flanks of Kentmere Pike ).
Another great day out in the Lakes!
Regards, Mike.