Ridge walking

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By markexploring on 07/10/22 at 6:10pm


Can anyone recommend me a ton of ridge walks(other than the usual Halls Fell Ridge, Sharp Edge, Striding and Swirral)?

Im looking specifically for routes that come to life when it gets to full winter conditions but are still great even in summer?

All your help is much appreciated!

By beth on 07/10/22 at 7:53pm (last edited 07/10/22 at 7:59pm)

There aren't a ton of other ridges that are more interesting than the usual bunch, but you might look at Pinnacle Ridge on St Sunday Crag. And Cam Crag ridge in Langstrath.

By markexploring on 08/10/22 at 7:15pm

Hi Beth, thank you for the recommendations: I'm looking to introduce a friend to ridgewalking and not looking to scare him away with some of the bigger ridges like striding/sharp edge, so i think Pinnacle Ridge may be a step too far for him! will have to take a look at your second recommendation! thank you!

By beth on 09/10/22 at 9:03am

Ah, I see! I think.

Can't beat a walk over Catbells - Catbells, Maiden Moor, High Spy - A Half Newlands

Something a bit more in the wilds - Steel Edge and Wetherlam Edge, from Tilberthwaite

A step up again - The Coledale Horseshoe

Not too long - High Street (Racecourse Hill), and a few friends, from Mardale Head

By MickRadford on 20/10/22 at 10:07am


I was really impressed with the Yoke, Ill Bell and Froswick ridge when I did the Kentmere Horseshoe. The Horseshoe might be a bit long if your friend is just starting out, but you should be able to do an out and back from Kentmere

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