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Hi! Just wanted to say thank you for your website- I've always looked there for routes. Excellent site!
I've only just found your website after years of trying to find an online list of great walks in the Lakes that are easy to follow, succinct and quick to load - so impressed! Keep up the great work
Just returned from a glorious week in the lakes. New to Walklakes but not the Lake District and found the site really good for finding new walks in old areas . Thank you
I love your website. I've planned so many of my wainwright bagging walks with your help 😍

... by email

I have just had two clear days in the Eden Valley and the opportunity and amazing weather to explore some Lakes walks.
Your site is superb, informative, accessible, well written, attractively and practically laid out

What a great resource, thank you so much.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the work you have been doing with all the walks.
with everything from maps to pictures and height profile as well as the additional info that is occasionally there.
They are just great and we have been using them for quite a while now. and will definitely continue to do so in the future.

Many, many thanks from two swedes

Have a great day and keep up the great work
Micaela and Björn
I just wanted to say a massive thank you for your website and details on all the walks in the Lake District. I followed a few of them the past 2 days and they worked a treat and were super helpful! Thanks again and happy trails.
Just about to purchase another off map from you
The last one was excellently described and maps fantastic!
Dear B,P,J &J, Great site and info to "first timers" like us. Many thanks,
Just to say absolutely love your website. Great service and value for money
While preparing for a trip to the Lake District in the near future I stumbled across your Wonderful page and am enjoying it very much.


Again, many thanks for making this wonderful site available to us all and Happy Walking!

Just wanted to say that I walked the Cumbria Way over the last few days and your website was invaluable.
I nearly didn't start because of your advice regarding cows!! You were right though! Cows were very frequent obstacle and as I am pathological about them it was a challenge! I managed though and have learned something about myself in the process.
Heavy rain prevailed over Skiddaw House and so took the Western Route which I regret as it wasn't very exiting and my feet tired quickly because of walking on so much tarmac but I thought it was best given the conditions.
Anyway thanks for all the advice!
Very much enjoyed your walks.
Excellent and faultless descriptions.
Look forward to using again.
Stayed at the Lyzzick Hall Hotel, Keswick, can highly recommend also.
Many thanks again.
Incidentally I have been meaning to write to thank you for all the walks, many of which I have followed over the last 2 years.
Many many many thanks for the wonderful inspiration and help for this week of walks. Everyday one of yours and they were simply a joy.
Is there a donation page?*

just too bad we don't have a dog...maybe next year.

* There is, you can find it here, Ed
I just want to say thank you for this website. As someone now a third of the way through Wainwright bagging with less experienced friends, it is brilliant in working out where to park, where to stop for the best views en route up the hills and deciding, in the light of the weather forecast on any given day, what might be a good day out for my less experienced friends. I also like the value statements you make; it helps me to understand what my charges might find interesting.

One of these friends has tackled a couple of the shorter walks with her disabled adult son who can walk but not well. The photos made a real difference in allowing her to see that Latrigg was within his capabilities as a walker and hers as a leader.

Including Jessie is genius!

As their confidence has increased, we've progressed to finding difficult ways of summiting the hills away from paths; but I still check you out to assess the escape route.

Again, thank you.

Thank you so much for your awesome website
We just wanted to send you a quick message to say how much we enjoy using your website! We discovered it last year and prior to that hadn't followed any planned walks before but thought we'd give one of the walks on your site a go. We enjoyed it so much we did one every day after that and in fact ended up getting engaged on one of them later that week!

We really appreciate that each walk has a description of how doggy-friendly the terrain is and a summary of what you'll see along the way. We also quite enjoy ticking off the points of reference along the route!

Anyway, we're back in the Lakes now and off to do another walk today but had just been discussing how much we loved your website and thought we'd send you a message as we think it's always nice to leave positive reviews!
Helen, Callum, Pickles and Widget. X

Thank you for such a great website - what an anthology of walks! we chose yours today because the weather made attempting a summit too perilous. your walk was truly beautiful - infinitely preferable to getting stuck in a cloud halfway up a slope!
Thank you for your help. I have been able to log in and purchase several routes. It's a great website. Thanks again,
With a trip planned to the Lakes this weekend, I wanted to say a quick thank you. Your website has been incredibly valuable; it's informative, descriptive and clearly documented by someone who is very passionate about their homeland. Needless to say, I will be downloading several PDF's. Keep up the brilliant work!
I'm just writing to say thanks very much! [...] You made our little break 100% easier. The instructions, the maps and the photos meant we were able to follow the routes fairly easily. There was not a dud walk among them.
Only just found this site last night, and it's brilliant.
[I] found this site by chance and love it, especially all the walk suggestions.
Hi. Thanks first of all for a wonderful site.
We ended up doing Catbells, which was an excellent recommendation, thank you. And thank you, too, for your all your guidance in this matter. I am most grateful
Gerry Corner
I find your site to be a great resource
May I compliment you on an excellent web site, great map images that fill the screen, some site have map windows like postage stamps, maps should be big.
Steve Roddick
In advance of a camping trip to Great Langdale with a work colleague I was searching for a route to Sergeant Man/High Raise from Dungeon Ghyll and Walk 58 fits the bill splendidly
Andy Beech
First up - thank you for producing such a fantastic website! There are many doing a similar job - but yours is by far the best I have found.
must say am impressed by your website! We will be doing a circuit of the LD in Sept, starting at and returning to Ambleside. This site will be excellent re GPS mapping.
ptd (writing from Australia)
excellent website. very well set out and informative. Keep up the good work :-)
Fantastic!!! As a very regular user of WalkHighlands, and living in the western Lakes, I had always wondered why there wasn't a Lakes walks website designed to operate on WalkHighlands lines. And here you are!
I wish you every success with the new venture and I am confident I'll be a regular visitor now I've found you. Kind Regards and the best of luck!

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Thanks for all your hard work. Brill!

WalkLakes recognises that hill walking, or walking in the mountains, is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death.
Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.