
A stroll to Holm Wood beside Loweswater

In a quiet part of the Western Lakes stands a small wood on the south west bank of Loweswater. A little autumnal afternoon light strikes the fells of Whiteside and Grasmoor far down the length of the water and then on some. The beautiful scene lasts for just a few minutes before it's gone, replaced by overcast grey, the fells once again black and ominous. The biting wind rustles the trees above our heads but doesn't bother us. Bracken still a little green sheltered by the woods. Little Jenny Wren flits through the exposed roots of a tree seemingly oblivious to a human and dog; maybe she is too busy preparing for the onslaught of a winter that is already making itself felt this November day. Wood smoke from a mountaineers hut hidden in the woods lingers. Many more fires will be lit in its grate before the warmth of summer returns, it feels a long way off.

Across the water is Loweswater Fell rising steeply from the road. The left top is Darling Fell, to the right divided by Crabtree Beck is Low Fell. Beyond both is Fellbarrow - Mosser Fell.

Holme Wood is National Trust land, well spaced largely deciduous trees allow a lush undergrowth of blackberry brambles and bracken. A well graded gravel path makes an easy walk even if the approach track is rather rough in places.

Park at the north western end of Loweswater where a large informal lay by serves a telephone box.