
Blea Tarn above Langdale

Blea Tarn lies high above Great Langdale on the pass to Wrynose. Only Blea Tarn House a few hundred metres away is near enough to keep it company. On a cold and wet winter's day it feels more remote than it really is.

Blea Tarn House is thought to be the 'one bare dwelling' mentioned in William Wordsworth's poem 'The Solitary'.

At the end of the Great Langdale road where most people have already got to their destinations carry on round the sharp left turn at seemingly the end of the road and climb the single track, steep hairpin bends. Passing a white painted cottage: Blea Tarn House, one finds a body of water below to the right, and a car park on the left. Incongruously it is a National Trust pay and display. This is our starting point for a short circular walk around the tarn.