Walks tagged "circular"

Walks which are tagged "circular" walks with less than 1/2km of retracing your steps.

Allan Bank Woodland Walk *
Dunmallet  *
Hallin Fell *
Latrigg: a short stroll *
Cockshot Point stroll from Bowness on Windermere *
Ling Fell *
Whinlatter Forest - Heavy Sides Walk *
Blea Tarn above Langdale *
Words In The Woods *
A stroll around Tarn Hows  *
Sale Fell *
Brant Fell above Bowness-on-Windermere *
Hugil Fell and Reston Scar above Staveley *
Castlehead Viewpoint from the Moot Hall, Keswick *
Lanty's Tarn, Keldas, and Patterdale Circular *
Orrest Head - the view that changed a young man's life *
Great How *
High Sweden Bridge Circular *
An Ambleside Waterfalls Wander - Stockghyll Force and Blue Hill Wood *
Rannerdale Knotts *
Greenside Mine and Glenridding Beck Circular Stroll *
An Elterwater Stroll *
A circuit of Grasmere *
Carron Crag  *
Around Buttermere *
Faulds Brow and The Howk from Caldbeck *
Grasmere and Rydal Water *
Ennerdale Water *
Steel Knotts - Pikeawassa **
Walla Crag and the Great Wood **
Silver How **
Glenridding Dodd **
Catbells and the Newlands valley **
Aira Force and Gowbarrow Fell **
Harter Fell **
Catbells **
Alcock Tarn **
A visit to Cathedral Cavern from Tilberthwaite **
Loughrigg Fell from Rydal **
Skiddaw - Dodd **
Longlands, Lowthwaite, and Brae Fells **
Latterbarrow from Hawkshead **
Coppermines Valley above Coniston **
Souther Fell **
Nab Scar and Alcock Tarn **
Moss Eccles Tarn and Claife Heights  **
High Rigg, Naddle Fell, and Wren Crag **
To Force Crag Mine - a Coledale Low Round **
The Old Keswick Railway Line and Latrigg **
Dock Tarn, Great Crag, and Watendlath, from Rosthwaite **
Loughrigg Fell from Ambleside **
Whitbarrow Scar and Lord's Seat **
Loughrigg Tarn **
Waterfalls and the Cathedral Cavern, from Elterwater **
Around Derwent Water **
Cold Pike and Pike of Blisco ***
Yewbarrow ***
Seat Sandal ***
Fleetwith Pike via Fleetwith Edge ***
A visit to Place Fell overlooking Ullswater ***
Steel Edge and Wetherlam Edge, from Tilberthwaite ***
Birks and Arnison Crag ***
Haystacks ***
Causey Pike and Scar Crag ***
Branstree and Selside Pike from Mardale Head ***
Glenridding Dodd, Heron Pike and Sheffield Pike ***
Hen Comb from Loweswater village ***
Lonscale Fell via Burnt Horse Ridge ***
Carrock Fell and High Pike ***
Ullock Pike, Longside Edge, Carl Side ***
Dow Crag and Goats Water ***
Wansfell Pike, Troutbeck, and Skelghyll Wood ***
Graystones, Broom Fell, and Lord's Seat ***
Little and Great Sca Fells, Meal Fell, and Great Cockup ***
Mellbreak and Scale Force ***
Great Calva and Knott from Mosedale ***
Brock Crags and Angletarn Pikes circular walk from Hartsop ***
Stone Arthur, Great Rigg, Heron Pike and Nab Scar ***
Lodore Falls, Watendlath, Grange Fell, and the Bowder Stone circular ***
High Street (Racecourse Hill), and a few friends, from Mardale Head ***
Tarn Hows, Black Fell, Holme Fell ***
Lanty's Tarn, Birkhouse Moor, Red Tarn, Catstycam  ***
Grike, Crag Fell, Lank Rigg ***
Illgill Head and Whin Rigg ***
Bowscale Fell ****
Blencathra via Hall's Fell Ridge ****
Pasture Beck Round, from Hartsop ****
Haystacks and Fleetwith Pike ****
Robinson and Hindscarth from Little Town ****
The Dovedale Round: Hartsop above How, Hart Crag, High Hartsop Dodd ****
Base Brown, Green Gable, Great Gable and Seathwaite Fell ****
Place Fell and a stroll alongside Ullswater  ****
Wetherlam, via Lad Stones ridge and Black Sails ****
Grasmoor via Lad Howes ridge ****
Scafell Pike via the Corridor Route from Wasdale ****
Great Borne and Starling Dodd above Ennerdale ****
Scafell Pike circular via Mickledore ****
High Raise, Sergeant Man, and Blea Rigg from Langdale ****
Grisedale Pike and Hopegill Head ****
A Walker's Blencathra ****
The Buttermere Edge ****
Bowfell, via Worneyside Force, Hell Gill, and the Great Slab ****
Steel Fell, Calf Crag, Gibson Knott and Helm Crag ****
Red Screes and Middle Dodd from Ambleside ****
A Fusedale Round: Steel Knotts, Loadpot Hill, Arthur's Pike, Bonscale Pike ****
Rest Dodd and The Nab ****
Robinson, Hindscarth and Dale Head - A Half Newlands ****
St Sunday Crag and Grisedale Tarn  ****
A Shorter Coledale Round ****
Rossett Pike, Angle Tarn, Esk Pike and Bowfell ****
The Old Man of Coniston, Brim Fell, Swirl How, Wetherlam ****
Helvellyn round from Thirlmere ****
Great End, Scafell Pike, and Lingmell: a roundabout journey ****
Catbells, Maiden Moor, High Spy - A Half Newlands ****
A longer walk over Bakestall and Skiddaw ****
Scafell Pike and Scafell via Foxes Tarn *****
Kirk Fell and Great Gable *****
Helvellyn, The Classic Ridges of Striding and Swirral Edge *****
The Coledale Horseshoe *****
The Fairfield Horseshoe *****
The Glaramara Wainwrights *****
The Grasmoor Six Wainwright Fells *****
A Mosedale Horseshoe *****
The Dodds and Clough Head, via Sticks Pass and St John's in the Vale *****
The Kentmere Horseshoe *****

WalkLakes recognises that hill walking, or walking in the mountains, is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death.
Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.