• Gauging Stations Update
We've been doing some work on the "water levels" overlay in our mapping app.
We have a "water levels" overlay in our GPS mapping app which shows you where various gauging stations, which record the water level in rivers, streams, and lakes, are located across Great Britain and lets you check the latest figures. This can be useful when planning walks, especially where you're going to have to cross a ford. read more ... |
• Using our Mapping for Other Walks
Here at WalkLakes we have two obsessions: walking and mapping and here's an example of our mapping being used by other people to create great walks.
Here at WalkLakes we have two obsessions: walking and mapping. So as well as finding you the best Lake District walks we also illustrate them using our our mapping, which we call WayMaps, and you see that used both in our walks and our GPS Mapping app. read more ... |
• Hills Database Updated
We've just imported the latest version of the Database of British and Irish hills. This release adds four more hill lists, plus we've now got the "drop" of each summit recorded.
We've just imported the latest version of the Database of British and Irish hills. We were previously on version 17.4 and we're now on 18 which was released on 29th July. Our apologies that it's taken a while to get this release online but we've made some changes with this import. read more ... |
• Challenging Paths
Some paths on our maps and walks are challenging. How do we identify those?
There was an incident recently where Keswick MRT had to be called out after walkers got cragfast on a path on Barf and it made the news as they were using a hiking app that took them down the path. read more ... |
• Hills Database Updated
We've just imported the latest version of the Database of British and Irish hills. There's a lot of changes, mostly minor, with tops moving and heights being more accurately measured.
We've just imported the latest version of the Database of British and Irish hills. We were previously on version 16.1 and we're now on 17.4 which was released on 14th July 2022. Our apologies that it's taken so long to get this release online but it was a big one. read more ... |
• National Trust, Fords, Paths, and Toilets
We've recently put online a new release of our map tiles which are widely used on this site. This release includes a number of new features.
We've recently put online a new release of our map tiles which are widely used on this site and are also available in our GPS mapping app. We do new releases regularly, not least to pick up any changes in the data coming from OpenStreetMap and the latest updates from Ordnance Survey's OpenData programme. read more ... |